Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week ending December 10, 2013

This last week was… difficult. My stomach got worse by far. I went to the drs. twice since I have last emailed. (ps before I forget sorry p-day is on Tuesday this week and next for mission wide temple trips!!! Wahoo!!!! So I will email on Tuesday afternoon next week!) Anyways the Dr. thought I had stomach ulcers so he put me on a different antibiotic. Well instead of helping my on again off again stomach pain my stomach went to hurting 24/7. So needless to say this week was difficult. I couldn’t sleep most nights and we had to come in from working a few times because I was in so much pain. I went back and the Dr. put me on a gluten free diet for the next few weeks. If that doesn’t work I have to go get a scope :/ Can’t wait for this pain to be gone ha. In spite of that though the work continued and we worked as hard as possible when I could. So here is my weekly update J

The work is going well here. It was slow but we still have had miracles! Brother Jonathan Tengbeh has been the largest miracle of our week by far! When I emailed last week, Jonathan was being persecuted by his housemates for meeting with us. Instead of dropping us to have a place to stay he chose to leave that house leaving himself homeless. Our ward jumped into action and are housing him for the time being. He is diligently seeking a place to live and job hunting as well. While he has been living with a ward member though he has been having gospel discussions with him every night and the progress has been amazing! We met with him on Wednesday night and taught him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He said he wants to follow the example of Jesus Christ and… is on date for baptism on Dec. 21st and he is the most amazing person I have met. His testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ is amazing and his love of the Book of Mormon is contagious. He makes me want to make myself more converted to this gospel. I am working on that everyday but I want to be like him. New to the truth and drinking it all in with pure joy. Make sense? Wonderful example. Here is the best part though. His wife and baby girl are stuck in Africa waiting for him to get a place for them to come to. He took a trip to the temple with the ward member he is living with this last week though and we wants to take his Wife and baby girl to the temple!!!! So sweet! I look forward to his lessons each day we meet with him! So inspiring!

Sister Alicia White is unfortunately back off date. :/ She is on date for Jan. 11th now. The 14th of December was too soon for her. She went swimming with her activity days group and it took her over an hour to get into the water :/ She is trying so hard to combat this fear but still needs to work on it. We are continuing to have faith though and we are praying that her faith will overcome her fear. She is very sweet and she wants to baptized in the worst way she is just so afraid of water!

Our investigator Sister Valerie Narjano is FINALLY progressing again! Sister Mullins and I started working with her in September and she hasn't been reading or coming to church, but we couldn't get ourselves to drop her. She is so sweet and loves having us over. This week she came to church again (Second time) and she read all of the scriptures and answered the questions we left for her! So glad that she is wanting to come closer to her Father in Heaven! I have loved seeing her grow! She really connects with Sister Thompson which is great! We are headed to her place after this though so I can teach her how to crochet ;)

Our Recent Converts The Bynum family came back this week! Sister Latrece Bynum called us on Monday and has been in contact with the Bishop every day since and is soooooo involved now. She is back on track and feeling the spirit work in her life! So happy that her and her son Jeremiah decided to come back to church and give it another try. She called us this morning sooooo happy with church and life and everything! So wonderful! She also has a great job opportunity! Wahoo I love seeing miracles happen in the lives of those that I am teaching. I know that they are coming because of their obedience to the Lord’s commandments. They make changes in their lives and he blesses them!

We also worked with a less active elderly couple named the Halls. Sweetest couple ever. The Husband Bill showed us his “train room”. He said that it took over a year to build. I have never seen something like it. So precise and detailed down to coal and bark dust and pebbles in the right spots. Dad you would love it!!!

I hope you all watched the Christmas devotional! So great!!!!!

So funny/crazy stories of the week:

We had a dinner appointment on Sunday and Sister Thompson and I got there just on time…. But we were late anyways. Here is why: There were chickens on the road. Yup. 5 chickens to be exact just wandering around. We found the house they belonged to and Sister Thompson and I herded the chickens back into their coop. I bet it was hilarious to watch!

Sunday night was an …. Adventure. We broke curfew by a long shot. But our mission president was involved so that’s okay. We were on our way home from our last appointment of the night when we got a call from our STL (Sister training leader) who happens to be companions with Sister Nudd at the moment. We found out that her bed was against the wall heater and she had tried to move it. In the process her leg rubbed up against the wall heater and burned her leg… bad. They called us to have us administer First aid. …… um….. ha that didn’t go so well. We showed up and I had her put her leg in the bathtub but it was bad. It was blistered a lot already and I didn’t know what to do. So we ended up going to the ER. Ya that was fun. It ended up being a second degree burn but I still had no clue what to do. When we got out of the exam room our mission president was there to greet us. Ha ha. Awesome!

Also on Monday (Yesterday) While my STL and I were in Drs. Appointments, Sister Thompson and Sister Nudd went on a mini exchange… and they got us a tree. His name is Trevor apparently. It is really a tree topper but it is sooo fun! We have two ornaments on it! An owl and a mustache. So fun.

Well that is our crazy fun filled, exhausting week in the life of a missionary!

Scripture of the week Jeremiah 17:7! If we have hope we cannot fail!

I love you all and I hope that you have a good week! I will send pictures of “Trevor” next week.

Love you!

Sister Jennifer Franzen


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