Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week ending December 3, 2013

I’m officially a missionary!!! I made it through my twelve weeks of training! Wahoo!!! And I also made it through another transfer call….. and I am staying in NORMANDY PARK through the new year! I am soooo excited about this! I did not want to leave yet! Sister Thompson will be staying with me which is great since we have only been together for two weeks now ha ha .

I have still been sick so I had to go to the hospital and doctors this week which is a bummer but we were able to still teach 19 lessons this last week! WAHOO! Plus it looks like I may have my medical issues under control…hopefully.

We got to spend thanksgiving with an awesome family named the Gonzalez’s. Their son is serving a mission in Peru right now so they wanted missionaries here to make it feel like he was there too. We got so much delicious food. After Thanksgiving dinner we got to visit a family named the Ledrews. They didn’t get thanksgiving dinner due to health so we were able to take our leftovers to them and help them out. It was so sweet they gave us a “Christmas” present. It was a bag of rice. We know that is about all they can afford too and they thought of us and chose us to be the recipient! So honored ;)oh awesome story. We had a thanksgiving day activity as a mission and we played basketball and volleyball. One sister wanted to learn how to walk on her hands so I was helping her do handstands. As she was upside down in a handstand our mission president walks in. (Who is a General Authority) He asked “what are you doing?” she got so red in the face and came out of her handstand and said “Hi president” instead of getting upset though he asked if he could try! So he did!!! When he came down out of his handstand though his kicked my companion in the arm HARD… she is super bruised there now.

We are still working with getting Alicia baptized on Dec. 14th but her fear of water isn’t as intense anymore! She is also going swimming with the activity day girls tomorrow so there is a chance that she will actually get baptized!! YAY! We took Alicia to a baptism on Sunday night and it went really well. The only bad thing on our part was that we accidentally took her to a Spanish baptism. Oops. So she couldn’t understand what they were saying but we explained it and had her watch. She is so anxious to be baptized so I hope everything works out.

We unfortunately lost another investigator this week but that is okay. It was Sean who sister Mullins and I put on date so that is super duper sad but all is well. It wasn’t his time yet. Oh our Investigator Jonathan!!! Jonathan is from Sir Leon Africa, and he moved here three months ago. He had to leave his wife and baby girl behind in Africa but he moved here to try and get a job and place for them to live when he comes. We have been teaching his off and on for the past few months. Three weeks ago we were super busy and didn’t end up making it to his house. He hadn’t seemed very interested so we didn’t worry too much. The next weekend though he called us and asked us where we had been. He told us he missed us fellow shipping with him and helping him better understand Jesus Christ. So Sister Mullins (before sister Thompson came) and I rushed on over to his house and taught him a lesson on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He loved it! He came to church two weeks in a row. He didn’t come this Sunday and we were really bummed. He texted us yesterday and let us know that he was sorry he wasn’t at church. He then proceeded to tell us the family he was staying with has been persecuting him for taking the discussion with us so he moved out and was homeless!!!! We freaked out! So we called our Bishop and he jumped into action. He is staying with a ward member for a few days at least and looking for work. It was a miracle though. Jonathan was so polite and so happy for the help given. The man he is staying with called us this morning and said Jonathan has one of the most caring hearts of anyone he knows. And that he is really interested in the Gospel. Apparently they stayed up really late talking about the gospel for a long amount of time and he is really interested!!!! MIRACLES!

Well that is all for this week I hope you all have an amazing week and I will write more next week


Love Always

Sister Jennifer Franzen


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