Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week ending November 18, 2013

This week was crazy and wonderful. Ha crazy wonderful! We were supposed to have a baptism with our 9 yr. old investigator Alicia this last week but she has a phobia of Stairs and water. So the font freaked her out to the point that she had a panic attack. So we are going to try and work with her to not be so afraid of water. The Bishop has agreed to put her into swimming lessons to help her out with that. It was so sad to see her not breathing and so frightened. Sister Mullins and I both talked to her and told her that if she was that freaked out she should not be baptized that day but that we will work with the ward to get her comfortable with having water on her face for her new baptism date of Dec. 14th!

We got 4 new investigators this week! And Sister Mullins and I invited 3 people to baptism the first time we met him! Wahoo! That means we have increased by 300%! And one of them named Sean accepted the invite! The other two said maybe, but they both agreed to keep meeting with us and to learn more. It was the coolest experience! Sister Mullins and I were tracting and we both saw Sean sitting outside of his house and we both knew that he was the one and that we were going to put him on date. It turns out he had a really awful day, and that he was looking for a way to feel better. So we talked to him about the restoration and the Book of Mormon. He had heard some rumors growing up about the Mormons so he asked us some questions. We talked with him for a good bit and asked if we could meet with him regularly to teach him more about the gospel. He said yes and then we invited him to be baptized if he came to know that what we will teach him is true! He said yes!!! It was the best feeling in the world. The spirit was so strong and we felt like we could talk to everyone!!!

Two elders in our district got us two investigators through referrals and they are both on date for the 14th of December! We now have 4 investigators on date for that day ha (Alicia, Sean, Rochelle, and William!) So that was a great miracle. We had less lessons this week but I like to think they were more effective lessons. We gave two church tours! And giving more church tours has been one of our companionship goals!

We got the call this morning that Sister Mullins is being transferred today, because the Lord needs her elsewhere. I am sad that my “Mother” will be leaving me but I know that she is going where the Lord needs her. I have LOVED having her as my companion. I know that she and I will be lifelong friends (to the point we have talked about making road trips back to the mission together, being roommates, being in each other’s weddings one day etc. ) She really has become one of my best friends and I am excited to see who my new companion will be. I am confused how transfers will work in two weeks now though ha. So today will be full of crazy quick packing! But it will be full of fun with the spirit and we will both have amazing weeks with our new companions.

I am excited for this next week! My new companion and I will be raising our expectations for sure! We will be trying to reach a goal of 34 lessons taught this week. This is more lessons then I have taught yet on my mission but I know that it is possible, and we will have a great week full of tracting and street contacting! It is going to be a great week and I am ready to get to work!

I am no longer sick which is such a blessing! The meds the dr. gave me worked like a charm!

P.s. Dad happy early birthday! 51!!! you old man! ;) Love you!

Sorry this email is short but we have to go get Sister Mullins packed!

Also now that ward choir is cancelled we will be emailing earlier on Mondays! 10 am-12 somewhere in that time frame! Love you!

p.p.s I was supposed to sing with Sister Mullins at a funeral on sat. And now I may have to sing a solo. Yikes not cool!

Love you!!!

Sister Jenn Franzen

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